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Смотровая площадка PANORAMA360 - это Новый уникальный для России и Европы проект. Отсюда можно увидеть всю Москву на 360 градусов вокруг, и каждый сможет насладиться панорамным видом на столицу с высоты птичьего полета, и попробовать только что приготовленное мороженое. 



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PANORAMA360 mooring ground is a new project unique for Russia and Europe. From here you can see all of Moscow at 360 degrees around, and everyone will be able to enjoy a panoramic view of the capital from a bird's eye view, and try freshly prepared ice cream.

Brand Description

PANORAMA360 mooring ground is a new project unique for Russia and Europe. From here you can see all of Moscow at 360 degrees around, and everyone will be able to enjoy a panoramic view of the capital from a bird's eye view, and try freshly prepared ice cream.

Brand Gift Card

Terms & Conditions

Before visiting a gift certificate, you must print or download to your mobile device, present at the box office and get an entrance ticket.
Gift certificate PANORAMA360 - valid for 1 person for a single visit.
The gift certificate is not subject to exchange and return, money paid for it will not be returned

How to redeem


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