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Buono Regalo Amazon.it


Amazon.it Gift Certificates* can be redeemed towards millions of items at www.amazon.it.



Buy this card on behalf of your acceptance of the gift card association 1、Gift Cards/Digital Codes cannot be exchanged for other Gift Cards or redeemed for cash and remain the sole responsibility of the recipient should the Gift Cards/Digital Codes become lost or stolen.
2、Gift Cards/Digital Codes expire 10 years from date of activation.


To redeem an Amazon.it gift certificate:
1. Go to www.amazon.it/gp/gc/.
2. Under “Your account” ("Il tuo account") click "Add a gift” ("Aggiungi un Buono Regalo"). Enter your claim code ("codice del Buono Regalo") and click on "Add it to my account" ("Aggiungi al mio account").
3. These gift card funds will be applied automatically to eligible orders during the checkout process.
4. You must pay for any remaining balance on your order with a credit card or other acceptable form of payment.

Buono Regalo Amazon.it

Brand Description

Amazon.it Gift Certificates* can be redeemed towards millions of items at www.amazon.it.

Brand Gift Card

Terms & Conditions

Buy this card on behalf of your acceptance of the gift card association 1、Gift Cards/Digital Codes cannot be exchanged for other Gift Cards or redeemed for cash and remain the sole responsibility of the recipient should the Gift Cards/Digital Codes become lost or stolen.
2、Gift Cards/Digital Codes expire 10 years from date of activation.

How to redeem

To redeem an Amazon.it gift certificate:
1. Go to www.amazon.it/gp/gc/.
2. Under “Your account” ("Il tuo account") click "Add a gift” ("Aggiungi un Buono Regalo"). Enter your claim code ("codice del Buono Regalo") and click on "Add it to my account" ("Aggiungi al mio account").
3. These gift card funds will be applied automatically to eligible orders during the checkout process.
4. You must pay for any remaining balance on your order with a credit card or other acceptable form of payment.


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